We're all going nuts here on the orchard

Ok, so we are all staying inside our isolation bubbles and slowly going nuts.

The Walnut trees have also had enough and are dropping their nuts everywhere.

Luckily, I can see a sales opportunity in it and have been harvesting them, husking them, drying them, and taste testing them.

As you can see in the image, the Walnut husk produces a potent dark brown dye and handling them without gloves causes severe staining of the fingers which can only be removed by time and frequent hand washing, thank goodness for the Covid 19 outbreak. (too soon???)

Anyway the walnuts are delicious either just raw, or toasted on top of a Feijoa loaf.

You can buy our organic walnuts in the shell via our products page.

Mitre 10 stock an excellent Walnut Cracker, "The Stellar Cracker". Rush down and grab one from the kitchen aisle when they reopen. See brochure, and don't be tempted by the cheaper generic plastic copies.

Anyway, back to the Walnut Wander, will it ever end.