Slow Life Living

Think back to the old rural areas of Auckland.

Pukekohe, Albany, Kumeu, Birkdale, Henderson, Mangere, Whitford.

Remember the family Sunday drive day out into the country to get the Eggs and Veges.

Remember hot summer days picking your own Stawberries, where they weighed the buckets and you.

Remember as kids, foraging the neighbourhood for free Feijoas, Apples and Loquats and trying not to get caught.

Remember the annual Lions Club citrus drive to send our surplus citrus fruit to our South Island citizens. 

How about that long ago day out fishing in the Rangi Channel with your mates, the fish were biting all day, and bringing home a bin full of snapper to share with the family and friends.

Maybe we need to treasure those memories and save some of our environment before it is buried under concrete buildings and black top tarmac roads to nowhere. 

Visit a farmers market near you this weekend, buy some fresh produce directly from the grower, and talk to some of our rural folk keeping those memories alive.

Update, Just read this article from another convert.  

Here is a link to the NZ Farmers Market website:

 Here is an MSN article about food security: